Happiest New Year to you All,
I hope everyone enjoyed a lovely festive break.
I have neglected my Blogging Hat for some time and thought it was about time I donned it again and added some news, so here goes…
I STILL haven’t been able to officially launch our website yet. I want to get all the extensions finer details i.e.materials to be used and the pricing. Then I’ll add it onto the website for people to see and to know EXACTLY how much we are needing to raise etc.
The architect is in the throws of putting the ‘spec’ together so that I can then put it out ‘to tender’ (all new building jargon to me!). I can then essentially get a few builders quotes in and chose the right building firm for our extension.
So, we’re currently a bit in limbo…However, my darling friend Caroline Morris is taking on the amazing challenge of the Brighton Half Marathon on Sunday 24th February to raise money for Sebbyspace. God Bless her and if anyone wants to come and cheer her on – we are gathering at the finish line at about 12.30pm (that’s Caroline’s estimated time of arrival). Thank you SO much lovely Caroline – You’re a brave (and fit) Chickadee! xx
I am also in the process of finding a venue for a Lunch Gala in London. There will be a three course meal, auction and celebrity entertainment…More to follow…And if anyone has any good ideas for a venue – please do let me know. I want a fairly theatrical feel….
I also want to mention here, I will be adding it under the Architectural Plans section of the website, that several people have now questioned the idea of us moving house in order to find a more appropriate home for Sebby without the cost of the extension…Whilst I totally understand why this would be an option to some peoples thinking, the reality is that it simply isn’t feasible. For several reasons:
The house, although bequeathed to me when my mother died, also half belongs my sister Hester. She is mentally disabled and the house is a safe and secure home base for her to visit. Rightfully so.
By the time you try finding a suitable replacement home, the cost would add up and work would no doubt still be needed to make it particularly accessible for Sebby’s needs.
Buying a bungalow doesn’t quite make it any easier….Disability access is vital, strong and specialised roof structures for hoists, downstairs amenities and doorways throughout the the house are essential. Bathrooms cleverly designed to work for the owner etc. All in all, finding such a place and then the cost of moving, PLUS inevitable changes to the new abode, just don’t warrant it.
Our current location (close to Sebby’s school) and the plot of land we are fortunate to have inherited from my late mother are all perfect for what we are about to embark on and strangely enough is definitely more cost effective!
Sending very best wishes to all and I’ll be back soon….
Ann xx