Ann and Sebby are dear friends of mine and to raise money for Sebby’s Space I am arranging a fundraising concert starring The Kennet Accordion Orchestra who are kindly donating their time to perform at:
All Saints’ Church Hall, Onslow Gardens Sanderstead, South Croydon, CR2 9AB
Sunday 9th June 2019 at 2pm
Tickets only £5!! – book early to avoid disappointment at sebbys-space@myphone.coop

The Orchestra’s Musical Director, Nigel Pasby, has arranged a lot of the music himself, increasing their vast repertoire which the Orchestra rehearses extensively.
They play music from the movies, pop, classical and musicals. If there is a piece of music that can be arranged it will be used! Nigel cites Mozart and Mercury (Freddie) as two of his major musical influences and this diversity is reflected in their performances.