On the 8th September, 52 divine friends came to Arundel and we strode together for 13.5 blissful miles…Some did the shorter version of five miles…Every single person was a ‘Steps for Sebby’ Hero…AND I simply cannot believe how much we raised!
The event coincided with the ‘Official Launch’ of the ‘Sebby’s Space’ website so thank you to all my very generous family and friends who kindly donated recently and to all those amazing folk who sponsored the 52 of us taking part on the ‘Steps for Sebby’ walk. WOW!
A special thanks to ‘The Jooster’s’ who personally raised a WHOPPING £1,000 towards this event! xx
I also can’t believe (well I can as everything seems to be being touched my a miraculous blessing!), that we had SUCH glorious weather on the day. We literally were sandwiched with dire weather either side of our allotted ‘Steps for Sebby’ date. How lucky we were….
I had carefully arranged for people to leave their cars up at The Black Rabbit Pub in Arundel and big thanks to Byron (Sebby’s Daddy) and Sue Austin for ferrying people down to the starting point! It had been quite farcical trying to work out the logistics, but it all ran very smoothly despite there being a Triathlon half an hour prior to our arrival so we could have encountered major parking issues, luckily we were just fine.
We gathered in Arundel for 11am. It was pretty overwhelming to see SO many gorgeous folk together – some I hadn’t seen for years and most of whom had travelled from London and beyond.
We walked up through the town and headed for a group photo by the tower near the cricket ground.
Sebby wanted to wave the troops off. He enjoyed giving everyone a banana which had generously been donated by the manager of the Midhurst Budgens, thank you again Chris!
Thanks again to my lovely friend Andy Bone (‘Boney’) who had mapped out our perfect route in advance. We had the most fantastic vistas and wonderful, diverse terrain. Everyone commented on how beautiful the walk was. It truly was breath taking (especially up that very steep hill)
It was amazing to catch up with friends whilst walking and to watch new connections happen.
We landed at the Black rabbit pub in good time and enjoyed watching the sunset over the river with a much needed alcoholic beverage (although some had been tempted en route).
A really big thank you to the Black Rabbit Pub. Charlie and all the staff took good care of us all as did the wonderful Arundel Taxi ‘Castle Cars’ service. Big thanks to Myra and the guys who drove us to the station. Both taxi drivers refused payment as they wanted it to go to ‘Sebbys Space’. HUGE thanks to them for their thoughtful generosity.
Where would we be without the incredible love and support of these glorious friends.
Thank you to each and everyone of you.
You made ‘Steps for Sebby’, a day I will never, ever forget.
(P.S Ab’s I hope your toenails come back soon……)