EMMA BLACK – A Heroine from our Past xx


A very special friend from the past who had helped with Sebby when he was really little came back into our lives this autumn.

Emma Black magically appeared when Sebby was about 18 months old. She came via a wonderful local community network of trained volunteers and expert support called Homestart. Home-Start help families with young children through their challenging times and Emma was the volunteer who was assigned to help us for a couple of hours a week. https://www.home-start.org.uk

So, after that event, Emma said she’d like to help raise more funds and came up with the brilliant idea of a ‘Pop – Up Coffee Morning’. This was her brilliant invitation to her friends:

Would you LATTE come along to a POP-UP COFFEE MORNING?
Come and PERCOLATE and EXPRESSO your way through the morning …Forget the daily GRIND. Help us get record breaking numbers through the door to raise funds for a really important local cause …

My friend, Ann, is a single mum with a 5 year old gorgeous son called Sebby who has cerebral palsy. Her tiny cottage is not ideal for a growing child who has quadriplegic needs. So friends have persuaded Ann to give crowd funding a go. We are all helping in different ways to raise the ridiculous amount that’s needed for the build & the very expensive specialist gear Sebby needs now & into the future. Please see the links below for more information. 


http://www.sebbysspace.co.uk/aboutWHEN & WHERE
The coffee morning will from 9am.
Ann will be joining us at 10am.
Friday 15 November 
It won’t COSTA you a lot but don’t forget to bring your di NERO! 
There will be a bucket on the door and raffle tickets to buy. BRING A FRIEND
Please do bring a friend – make that donation a DOUBLE EXPRESSO! It will be lots of fun and you will leave full of BEANS! TRAVEL MUGS
Bring a travel mug if you can! We are hoping for a record number to attend so mugs may be in short supply! RAFFLE
And if anyone would also like to EXPRESSO their support by donating a prize to the raffle, that would be totally MACCHIATO!! Or indeed, if you can’t come, please donate by clicking on the justgiving link above, quoting on your message the Pop-Up Coffee Morning! 

You are all total STARBUCKS!
Huge thanks 
Ems xx

Emma was a fantastic hostess and the coffee morning was a roaring success. It raised a sensational £1,472!!!

I went straight there after Sebby’s school run, it was really great to meet lots of wonderful women. I shared lots of lovely chats (and some tears!). It was a very special morning indeed. Thank you Emma – beyond words – what a truly thoughtful and generous soul you are. And HUGE thanks to all your incredibly generous friends for all the raffle prices and the vast amounts of donations towards ‘Sebby’s Space’