Architectural Plans

To explain a bit about the house as it stands right now:

Deceptively big looking on the outside, the house has a very narrow depth.
There are currently two bedrooms and an upstairs bathroom. A small kitchen, dining room, sitting room and loo, downstairs.

I am already struggling to move Sebby’s fairly bulky,  yet still comparatively small, pieces of equipment throughout the downstairs. This will only get harder as time moves on and these items get bigger in size. I am also aware that I shan’t be able to carry Sebby up and downstairs for too much longer.

The idea is to create an Open Plan Living Space so that Sebby can navigate and access all areas of the downstairs including the kitchen area.

I also want to mention here, that several people have now questioned the idea of us moving house in order to find a more appropriate home for Sebby without the cost of the extension…Whilst I totally understand why this would be an option to some peoples thinking, the reality is that it simply isn’t feasible. For several reasons:

The house, although bequeathed to me when my mother died, also half belongs my sister Hester. She is mentally disabled and the house is a safe and secure home base for her to visit. Rightfully so.

By the time you try finding a suitable replacement home, the cost would add up and work would no doubt still be needed to make it particularly accessible for Sebby’s needs.

Buying a bungalow doesn’t quite make it any easier….Disability access is vital, strong and specialised roof structures for hoists, downstairs amenities and doorways throughout the the house are essential. Bathrooms cleverly designed to work for the owner etc. All in all finding such a place and then the cost of moving, PLUS inevitable changes to the new abode, just don’t warrant it.

Our current location (close to Sebby’s school) and the plot of land we are fortunate to have inherited from my late mother are all perfect for what we are about to embark on and strangely enough is definitely more cost effective!

We’ve very luckily been awarded the full Disabled Facilities Grant from *West Sussex County Council. This and a Discretionary Loan. These will only cover the bare minimum, i.e. the bedroom/wetroom and part of the disabled access into the new extension and this will be at a very basic spec.
This alone is not enough to create a Sebby Space for Life…So we are needing to raise funds to do the rest as per drawings…


Drawings 3 – 5
The existing shed and garage will be knocked down as sadly, after discussion with professionals, it structurally won’t work.
The existing downstairs loo will be removed and the kitchen/dining room opened up into one area.
A large opening from the existing dining room into the new space and from the kitchen there will be a low lying wall to enable clear view into the new family/physio room. This will make a huge difference for me to be able to interact with Sebby whilst being able to get on with daily kitchen chores!


Drawings 12 & 13
The new build compromises a much needed downstairs floor; (* denotes West Sussex County Council Funding)

*Wet room
*Lobby entrance
*Door into the garden
*Ceilings to be strengthened to hoist baring

Our extra family/physio area and lobby storage are a crucial part to the extension but not availble through the W.S.C.C funding.

It’s so vital that Sebby can use the living area at ease and have physio sessions with enough space. We will also be using the Conductive Education approach used at his Ingfield Manor School. This involves the use of a special slatted table which will be possible in this new space. (Currently not viable due to lack of room.)

Equipment, sadly such an integral part of Sebby’s life now, needs to fit and be usable in the house.  Again, this equipment will only become bigger and even more necessary as time goes on.

The build will be as environmentally savvy as I can possibly make it and nothing will go to waste. Although the kitchen will be opened up and the existing downstairs loo removed to enlarge this space, there will be no new, flash kitchen fittings going on!

My idea is, once I have the builders quote, I will have a very transparent and clear itinerary of EVERYTHING required. All the costings will be listed – even down to the smallest details! I want people see and know EXACTLY what/where their donations are going….

I am happy to answer any questions so please do email me if you require any further understanding.