
If anyone wishes to raise money by holding their own event or participating in anything of their choice and raising money themselves that would be AMAZING!


Do forward the JustGiving Link  OR we have a Printable Sponsorship Form


Here are some of the upcoming events helping us to raise funds for Sebbys Space


Please follow the link here, or click to donate link at the top of the page to sponsor any of these fantastic events!


Current Events

Start All Over Again

Let me take you back to a time when we thought things were different in early 2020. Just before lockdown.

My dear friend has a son Sebby who has Cerebral Palsy. She lives in a two-bedroom cottage and for many reasons, she is not able to sell the home and move. To make the home much more adaptable for her son and for wheelchair access, she has to build an extension so that he has his own room and bathroom with a hoist. She also hopes to make a sensory room too. All of this you can see on the website

The building work has now started which is great news and you can catch up with progress through Instagram.

This brings me to why I am contacting you. I wanted to help her, and to do this I decided to do a sponsored weight loss. The starting point was on the 20th February 2020 and the endpoint 1st June 2020. The weight start point is 120kg which is 264lbs. I hoped to have lost 24lbs, which brings the total to 109kg which is 240lbs. This is a total of 1 stone and 10 lbs.

Well, Covid stopped all of this and I should have contacted you to say sponsor me to see how much weight I can put on! I have to say that I would have been collecting quite a few pennies from you. I had not forgotten about the money some people had given me in this sponsorship and those of you who are going for £1 for a 1lb loss. I reached the starting weight point (a bit of a milestone in itself) a couple of weeks ago. Below are my new dates and again to recap the weight target.

Start 19th October 2021 End date 20th January 2022 ( I may extend this to 1st February 2022).
Weight starting point 120kg (264lbs) Weight goal 109kg (240lbs) total weight loss 1st 10lbs.

Not much to say here only that I will keep you updated of course the ups and downs too. You may get an email maybe more than once a month. Thank you for your support and your patience through this endeavour and see you soon.


Past Events

Two glorious friends, Laurence and Christina created a miracle and raised a PHENOMENAL £11,894 by organising a Supper, Quiz Night AND Silent Auction!

They arranged the whole event so, so perfectly. The 2019 Silent Auction prizes had been donated by various friends and family members of theirs and my two very beloved friends from the world of Show Biz came along to host – Presenter Gaby Roslin and Marc Elliott, who did an incredible job. The whole night went so smoothly to read more…

Emma was a fantastic hostess at her ‘Pop – Up Coffee Morning’ she held in her lovely home on 15/11/19. It was a roaring success and raised a sensational £1,472!!!
I went along after Sebby’s school run, it was really great to meet lots of wonderful women. I shared lots of lovely chats (and some tears!). It was a very special morning indeed. Thank you Emma – beyond words – what a truly thoughtful and generous soul you are. And HUGE thanks to all your incredibly generous friends for all the raffle prices and the vast amounts of donations towards ‘Sebby’s Space’

My delicious and very supportive chums hosted a coffee morning at their lovely home in The Cotswolds.
Lots of their lovely friends came along and donated SO generously.


On The 8th September 52 Amazing Pals Joined Me For A Wonderful Walk Around Arundel.
We raised an astonishing £11,662.20


Fundraising Quiz Night
On 21st July a glorious pal helped to arrange a pub quiz night with work pals – cast and crew on RSC’s West End Hit ‘Matilda’ raising a fantastic £180!


On Saturday 20th July our wonderful (and brave) friend flew to Vegas to take part in his first ever boxing match! Richard raised a fantastic £445!

A dear friend of ours organised a tea party in Cocking Village Hall on 19th June 3-5pm. Sue’s tea party helped raise an astonishing £2,110 to help Sebbys space towards our target. Amazing work everyone!


Stan helped to raise money for Sebby’s Space by arranging a fundraising concert starring The Kennet Accordion Orchestra. He raised a fantastic £909.27 for Sebbys Space, well done Stan!



My gorgeous pal Michael Rogerson climbed Helvellyn…one of the highest peaks in the Lake District, and helped raise £1,065 in funds for Sebby’s Space




On the 24th April this year, My friends Gavin, Martin and I set off from Milngavie, near Glasgow to hike The West Highland Way.  We tackled 96 miles over 7 days, wild camping all the way, whilst we did our best impressions of a hermit crab as we carried our accomodation on our backs! The team raised an amazing £1,440 for Sebbys Space on their trek!


Caroline raised a fantastic £881 for Sebbys Space running the Brighton Half Marathon! Well Done Caroline!