We’ve set up a page on a well-known fundraising site called Just Giving (www.justgiving.com) to help raise the money needed to create Sebby’s Space. The site gives anyone the ability to donate as much or as little as they want in a secure, transparent way and leave comments. However Just Giving do take quite a percentage of any monies raised via their site and so I would encourage any friends or family wishing to donate to please do so directly to me, Ann Wenn.
Please feel free to link to the page on any social channels and ‘get the word out’ to all your friends who might be interested in helping us with the project.
To help us to raise money to give Sebby a Home for Life, please either go to:
Just Giving Page, please use this link or use the donate button which links through to the same page.
Or, to avoid unnecessary charges and for those who don’t know me personally, please email me at:
I’ve just been connected with a superb charity, Sullivan’s Heroes who have enabled us to raise funds under their umbrella, the latest Just Giving Page is via them and will mean we don’t incur any of the usual fees.
For more information please see https://www.sullivansheroes.org/projects/last-blast-for-sebbys-space
Ann Wenn, Sebby’s Mummy x