WOWEEE…What an INCREDIBLE event the Kennet Accordion Concert was!

My dearest friend Stan arranged the whole thing with his two lovely friends Nigel and Helen Kennet. I cannot believe a) how many people came b) how much it raised – a whopping £909.27….It was such a fantastic and fun day. The atmosphere was magical and such a delight to meet lots of wonderful people. Sebby was in his element!

I have heard Nigel and Helen play privately at Stan’s 80th and thought they were superb then, but to then hear them playing as a whole orchestra was just sensational. They played such a variety of music – Lots of modern, familiar songs that got us all singing (and me almost up and dancing!). Nigel was a fantastic host and entertained us beautifully. My hugest gratitude to Nigel, Helen and all the members of the Kennet Accordion Orchestra for all they gave xx



Also thanks to my wonderful friends Matt (Shakepeare) and Caroline Morris for helping as much as they did to set up and help run the event.

This event only happened because of one incredible man. Stanley Shakespeare -‘Uncle Stan’ – Sebby and I thank you from the bottom of our hearts xx