Ticking Time…

I am appalled at myself for allowing such time to lapse beween Blogs….I have LOTs of updates and at the end of last year felt a tad overwhelmed by it all. I guess the most overwhelming fact is actually the amount that has thus far been raised ….AN ASTOUNDING £78,500!!!!! It absolutetly blows my mind.

Before I began this fundraising campaign, I envisaged that it may take something in the region of five years to raise the total required to create ‘Sebby’s Space’.

From the very beginning I made a promise to myself not to get caught up in any fear of not reaching our target (whatever that target may be), but to steadily work at raising the funds and do so with only love as the foundation. This included placing no pressure on myself or the project by installing a restrictive time frame…I believe in allowing things to flow and when they don’t, perhaps it’s a sign to try a diffferent direction or approach. However, as the Universe had it, things HAVE been flowing -INCREDIBLY – Money has been coming in from ALL directions and from the most fabulous and generous people. Lots of people who don’t even know Sebby or me. It really is quite extraordinary. Dearest friends who have created Events to raise money have been truly fantastic, without them I think I would still be looking at the five year mark!

However, towards the end of last year, I had to slow down a bit with everything as I think I’d begun to fall into the wrong rhythm, but now I am picking up again and aim to get all the last bits of builders quotes together so that I can have an accurate figure to know how much there is left to raise.  This is where I am right now…… Time for ‘Sebby’s Space’